My prairie home companion


Prairie home companion Effie is uncharacteristically happy to be indoors this morning. Rain isn’t falling, but everything remains very wet from intermittent rain last night and the early morning hours. Last month, we greeted the fourth wettest October in recorded history, according to an article by Chelsea Embree in the Lewiston Tribune, published Nov. 3, 2016. So far, November hasn’t exactly been parched either.

We’ve played several rounds of Catch-and-Shred with a catnip mouse, and now Effie is on with her napping, and I have bathrooms to clean and surfaces to dust. Neither of us is likely to break any records this morning.


Filed under Animals, Cats, Effie, Photos, Weather

6 responses to “My prairie home companion

  1. Jamima is currently ignoring me as I’ve been out every day this week. Warm today and failed to leave her 3 wet options of food for her to sample yet ignore. Bad parent!


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