From the home front, with Effie, a sinus infection, and falling rain

Last night I was fairly certain I had mono–Again.  I’ve never had such a raw sore throat, with all the times I’ve had the virus blood-confirmed.   Besides the sore throat, leveling fatigue and low-normal temperature seemed to herald another mono rerun.

The rainy dawn brought more clarity. I was having a rerun, but of an episode from another series, The Sinus Infection from a Very Bad Place. My last sinus infection was bacterial; this time, the discharge and low temperature signaled a viral infection, so antibiotics are not going to fix this. It will depart, as those of its kind have departed before, in 10 days to two weeks. Nothing does very much at all to subdue the symptoms.

The wet, heavy air outside would require me to wear a pressure suit rated for a minimum gravity of Jupiter. Effie has been very sweet and patient about staying indoors, I think mostly because she doesn’t like rain, or at least wet feet.

I’m going to read a book about a cat who stowed away on a naval vessel and became a war hero. I was inspired by a review I read on Katzenworld. Other than that, my sacrosanct routine remains in effect, but at crawl velocity. And Effie is resourceful at finding ways to be a good-time girl,  whatever her environment presents.




Filed under Action & Being, Cats, Effie, Photos, Seasons, Weather

4 responses to “From the home front, with Effie, a sinus infection, and falling rain

  1. mo

    Good thing Effie can amuse herself while you are hiding under the covers trying to get well! Hope it is short lived.


    • Hiding? Covers?? Not during the day–it’s my rule. I ran errands, accomplished my Wednesday tasks, though it took four times as long as usual, and then read and relaxed. In a chair!

      Cheers, Mo. I’m no one else’s taskmaster but my own.


  2. Heidi

    Oh, I am so sorry to read this, and praying for you.


    • Thank you, dear Heidi. I wrote this partly to apprise you and other friends why I haven’t been able to keep up with keeping up. . .as with the news you sent yesterday. I will be praying for the right door to open at the right time. ❤


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