Effie: Rhapsody in Green

Effie finds grasses and shade the chief virtues of Effieland these summer days. The activities are endless for the Effielander: munch brome, move with the shade, take dirt baths. . .all compelling virtues of her outdoor domain.

Effie simply would not perform her dirt bath routine on camera this time, so I used this endearing photo from a previous post. ^-.-^


Filed under Action & Being, Cats, Effie, Effieland, Gardens, Home Life, Nature, Photo Galleries

10 responses to “Effie: Rhapsody in Green

  1. Ohhh I love her. That last photo kills me.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. How adorable is Effie! So coot……..


  3. Effie is a cutie. I recognize the purple calming collar, we have some. 🙂


    • Effie really needs them. She gets pretty unnervingly loud–especially if something doesn’t go quite her way. . . .I buy four at a time and buy more when we’re down to the last one.


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