Alderaan or Krypton—or an Unidentified Sinister Force?

Initially, I posited an exploding planet when I saw this photo in my camera. I quickly abandoned that theory, because I had not seen an exploding planet anywhere, ever; and if I had, I doubt I would have had sufficient presence of mind to photograph the exploding planet. In any case, my camera is not sufficient for such a task. As for a USF, that is proprietary to the late Rose Mary Woods.

I actually was attempting to take a photo through a window, of a lilac bush and the poplar trees behind it, blowing in a wind storm with slashing rain coming down. I inadvertently left the flash on, and the “exploding planet” relic resulted.

I have no idea how these things happen, but I find it interesting when they do.

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Filed under Photos, Weird

One response to “Alderaan or Krypton—or an Unidentified Sinister Force?

  1. This is a wonderful post!

    Liked by 1 person

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