
Halvor: I promise I will not drive the tractor until I get my license.


Grapes: We will ripen in summer and we will be delightful. You will have many pounds of us from many vines.


Filed under Animals, Nature, Gardens, Effieland, Gardens, Halvor, Photos, Rural life

13 responses to “Promises

  1. Please reread the last comment.


  2. Really? You need a license to ride the ride on mower? You know my mum has one just like it. I used to fang it around her property. Good times! Cheers,H


  3. Nice to see you Halvor. You can drive it without a license, I won’t tell. 🙂


    • I can drive on our property without a license, but not on any roads in the state where we live. But my Dad won’t let me drive at all. He lets me nap in the seat of the tractor when it’s parked in the shop. I love it there!


  4. Halvorsen looks just like Punk! And Punk is fascinated by machinery too. Is it something about orange tabbies? Your grapes look luscious! I keep trying to grow them too, in different locations, but they don’t seem to like something about our farm.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Halvor loves watching my husband building a plane and other projects. Does Punk enjoy watching you build things? Ginger Tabbies I think tend to be clever.


      • Unfortunately for Punk, no one in the family is mechanically minded. So he climbs all over and under every car and bike that comes to visit us. And he objects to the use of tools. I don’t know if that’s clever! When I dig a hole to plant a tree, he’ll sneak up and attack me from all directions. I think the reason is that he wants the nice cool hole for himself!

        Liked by 1 person

    • Harini, my husband just did a quick Google search and there is lots of information on growing grapes that can be grown in tropical climates.


      • Thanks, Lauren. Actually the area around Bangalore used to be quite famous for growing grapes. It’s just some lack in our soul, or the very exposed location of our farm, that makes it difficult. But I’m not giving up yet, I’m going to try different varieties, more shelter, and so on. Your grapes (or Effie’s) inspire me!


        • Friend Harini, please give your soul a break. There are very likely solutions for all of these obstacles. Do you have resources such as farm assistance, soil testing, and such? I know a bit less than zero about India’s soil and fertile farming. I wish you every success and enjoyment for your enterprise.


  5. chrisscatmeow

    Gosh it must be so wonderful having your own grown grapes to eat. Love the photos. Bless you all.x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Chris. We grow several grape varieties and they are all wonderful. Flame is my favorite. They are a beautiful feature of Effieland, and Effie is great at keeping spiders and earwigs off my hands when I’m picking the bunches! Does Scotland have grape-growing areas?


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