Second Breakfast (They’re Baaack. . .)

Paladin came for breakfast at 5:30 this morning, as he usually does. Torvald showed up as Paladin was finishing and ate a bit of his chum’s leftovers. When both had their fill, they stretched, received lots of petting, and departed. They returned together around 8:30 and I gave them each another bowl of kibbles. At one point, Torvald moved away from his bowl and sat up, watching Paladin eat, and then they resumed consuming their second breakfasts, as Effie observed them from indoors, where it was much warmer than the 18° on the patio.


Filed under Cats, Effie, Home Life, Paladin, Photos, Torvald

8 responses to “Second Breakfast (They’re Baaack. . .)

  1. 15andmeowing

    They sound so sweet.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So nice they can hang out together. And that you provide them with a safe place and food obviously. Cheers,H

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yea! We thrive on our kitties’ happiness, and happy kitties are thriving kitties!


  4. Heidi

    When you are eating at 5:30 you need a second breakfast!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love it! Happy kitties! 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

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